How to know and deal with workplace Bullying 怎样认识并处理职场霸凌

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This blog post is inspired by a book Workplace Bullying – How to confront and overcome it (by Andrea Adams) which I recently read, plus some observations and experience in my past and present professional life. It is not an attack on any person/organisation or crying for help for anyone, but rather based on research to cover workplace scenarios, it aims to raise awareness to every single corporative personnel who is victim, witness or actor of workplace bullying.
最近读了一本由作家Andrea Adams 写的叫做【职场霸凌-如何面对并克服之】的书,结合我这几年工作的观察和经验,故而写下这边文章。写它的目的并不是有意要针对某个个人或者集体,也不是为某人打抱不平,而只是为了让每一个在工作岗位中的人了解职场霸凌,特别是其受害者,旁观者以及侵犯者。

Most people do not realise and cannot categorise what they are facing as workplace bullying or alternatively also called mobbing, misconduct at work. Obviously, when you are the actor, without serious reflection on your behaviour, it is hard to acknowledge it.

According to Wikipedia , definition: Workplace bullying is a persistent pattern of mistreatment from others in the workplace that causes either physical or emotional harm. It can include such tactics as verbal, nonverbal, psychological, physical abuse and humiliation.
维基百科中给出的定义是:职场欺凌(英语:Workplace bullying),泛指在工作场所里,个人或团体对于同事或是下属进行不合理的欺凌行为。包含言语、非言语、身体、心理上的虐待或羞辱。

这种形式的攻击行为不同于在学校里的欺凌行为,职场欺凌通常有关于组织中的既定规则和政策的运作;欺凌者可以是同僚,偶尔也可能是下属。 欺凌行为可以是隐蔽或公开的,欺凌的负面影响不仅引响了被欺凌的个人,也可能导致员工士气的下降和组织文化的变革。

Everyone is a potential workplace bully, the workplace environment and company culture play an important role on whether bullying behaviour can be tolerated or not. For instance, the probability of bullying is higher for an organisation who is purely result-driven than those who are people-driven.

Are you one of the bullies? How to identify? If you ever acted as one of the below consciously or unconsciously, you are a bully or potential one.

Identify workplace bullying behaviour 辨认欺凌行为

1. You want to have control, you get satisfaction when undermining others’ ideas or proposals 你想要控制局面,不断地否定别人给你满足感
Some of the managers or direct colleagues feel insecure about those who are competent, instead of enabling others proactive, they undermine others until they are silent, or no longer creative. The result is, the bully remains the most dominant one in the group and continues to control the situation.

2. You constantly interrupt other people 你不间断地打断别人
When in a face to face meeting or conf call, you constantly interrupt another person, let the victim feels whatever he is saying is stupid, or worthless.

3. You shout at, threat or intimidate your employees 你对别人吼叫,威胁并使之感到害怕
I used to have a manager who shouts the employees, even in the open area. One of my ex-colleagues got a nervous breakdown eventually.

4. You ignore, or single people out 你忽略,或者孤立别人
You deliberately single out someone to keep him or her out of some of the communication, later on, use it against the victim for underperformance.

5. You take the credit of others 你强抢别人的功劳
In a hostile and competitive working environment, it is very easy for people (even the direct manager) to take credit of others. When getting praise by others, at least acknowledge the one who put all the effort into the work. If you walk out the credit effortlessly, you are a workplace bully.

6. You make personal comments, for fun, or pure attack 你以搞笑为名义来评论或者攻击别人
Words are hurtful, some of the words which cannot be categorised in sexual harassment or discrimination are hard to be identified. Sometimes I hear people say “I feel uncomfortable about what he is saying, he might think it is funny, but not for me.” When confronted, the actor typically says “What’s the big deal, it is just for fun”.
言语伤人,在工作环境中,歧视或者性言语攻击已经明文规定为不良行为,恶性的言语攻击其实是职场欺凌。有时候受害者会抱怨说 “他说一些话让我很不舒服,也许他们感觉很好笑,但是我不觉得”,而欺凌者通常会说 “这么不能开玩笑啊!”。

7. You don’t keep open communication 你的沟通或者通知方式不透明
This is more of a communication style issue, the bully usually communicates important information verbally and casually, and expect other people to carry work out, if the result is not as expected due to misunderstanding, the victim is blamed for it.

8. You lie casually or make stupid excuses when getting confronted 你撒谎,或者用非常愚蠢的事做借口
Never lie! 永远不要撒谎!
Some people make casual lies to make them look better, sometimes even say things like “No I have never said that it must be YOU misunderstanding”, but people are not stupid, it is very easy to find out the truth.
有的人喜欢随时撒谎,大谎小谎只要让他们看起来很光鲜就好,有时候面对质问的时候甚至会说 “我从来没说过这样的话,肯定是你听错了”,这样的行为非常可恶,因为欺凌者把别人的智商当驴。

9. You refuse to delegate 你拒绝把任务分配给别人
You don’t trust others, you want to have control of everything, and later on, blame the team not taking up the responsibility.

10. You micro manage 你微观管理

11. You change working instructions and personal objectives repetitively 你不厌其烦地更改工作命令和员工个人目标
Some of the victims in the research suffered from poor performance in annual review year after year, mainly due to the bullying boss change regularly the objectives and working instructions of the employee. The result is everything the victim is doing get criticised.

12. You treat others with no respect 你对别人极度不尊重
You have a team of people with different responsibilities, if you have non-secretary profile personnel in your team, don’t give him task like printing, or bringing coffee. Such behaviour is by no means a sign of respect, not even when you are in a hurry.

13. You only give negative feedback 你只给别人负面的反馈
Positive feedback and constructive negative feedback is important for the employees, to identify the personal strength and weakness, build up self-confidence and improve oneself.

14. You give unreasonable deadlines 你给别人非常不切实际的截止日期
Unreasonable deadlines create unnecessary stress, chaos and quality issues. The receiving end will be faced with lots of pressure, if your team cannot commit something, don’t even try to commit to your higher management.

15. You made your subordinates nervous, and you enjoy it 你的下属见到你紧张,而你却因此感到骄傲
In some of the bullying cases, it was so serious that whenever the victims see the bully, they begin to have physical reactions like sweating, diarrhoea or headache.
Sadly, some of the bullies enjoy such power.

16. You show no sign of empathy 你没有同理心
We often talk about work-life balance or work-life separation, unfortunately, work and life and inter-wined, they both impact each other. If an employee is going through some hard time in the personal life, the colleagues or direct manager should show some empathy and lower the expectation temporarily provided that it is a temporary situation.

If you are a victim, what to do? 如果你是受害者,怎么做?

1. Stop it before it ever starts 把他扼杀在襁褓之中
Be alerted about any of the bullying around, if it happens to you, confront assertively at a very early stage!
Communicate firmly that this kind of action is not acceptable.
This appears to be the most effective way to fight back the workplace bullying.

2. Prepare your case 准备你的案子
Unfortunately, most people only realise that they are undergoing workplace bullying until it was months or years after when their physical and self-confidence are dramatically impacted!
Fighting back the bully at this stage is not so effective, sometimes might be even counter-productive. The bully gets raged and the situation can be even worse.

At this stage, you should start preparing for filing a case, to human resource, or higher management. Be very careful, as you are the weaker part, you need to prepare it thoroughly via evidence, otherwise, it might end up with your words against the bullies.

Start taking notes and logs about incidents to great details including date, time, place, witness and the exact words during the conversation, those will be used as evidence.

3. File the case to authorities, internal, if not working external 向内部的管理层上诉,如果需要,向外界的有关部门求助
Most of the victims in the research ended up with being transferred or dismissed because of unfair handling.
Some of the victims continued to seek legal help even after they are dismissed.

4. Recover via a career break or consultation 你需要一些时间来恢复
The endurance and fighting of the bullying is a very time and energy-consuming process, some of the victims need years before they regain their self-confidence.

6 ways to build up your self confidence

What not to do when you are being bullied

What can an organisation do? 在职场欺凌这件事上,组织可以做什么?

Workplace bullying creates a hostile working environment, reduces creativity and productivity, it causes an enormous amount of destruction physically and mentally to the victims, worst scenario, he or she loses the self-confidence and eventually gets depressed.

The organisation should by no means tolerant such behaviour, even when the deadline or result is the priority. The cost of employees turn over, sick leaves and reduction of productivities are much higher than the sales result.

The organisation should make awareness of workplace bullying and also establish a clear procedure for workplace bullying complaints.

Complaints should be treated seriously, otherwise, it is an encouragement of the bullies.

Bottom-up evaluation or “Evaluate your manager” is a good approach to identify the management behaviour and the fact that it exists already putting the idea of bullying at a minimum level.

The employee satisfaction survey is also very important to identify the situation before all the ones being bullied quit or break.

Write at last
Once I came across the following post on LinkedIn which I do NOT agree at all:

The reason that I do not agree with above is:
Employees spend quite some time at the working place, even more than with families. A work environment needs to be healthy, safe and secure, only then can the employees work productively and be happy at work, not by shutting down the feelings!

Work shouldn’t hurt, period.

Related movie – The Devil Wears Prada (2006)

I would like to recommend a movie called The Devil Wears Prada, as glamours as Miranda looks like, she is a big bully in the workplace, everyone is scared of her. Another reason I like about this movie is that it makes people wondering about the balance of career and happy family for females, and also the choice between meaningless glamour and real life.

The Devil Wears Prada (2006)References:
Workplace Bullying – How to confront and overcome it -Andrea Adams Book on Amazon
The office bully, why he is still in the office
What not to do when you are bullied

Travel pictures from Interlaken, Switzerland, Nov 2018

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