A street cat named Bob 流浪猫鲍勃 – How to deal with a difficult situation in life如何面对生活中不可避免的困难时光

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This New York Times bestseller tells a true story about how a heroin addicted homeless young man (James), who plays guitar on the street for a living rescued an injured street cat (Bob), and how eventually the cat rescued his life.
这本纽约时报的畅销书讲述的是一个关于流落街头患有毒瘾的名叫James的年亲人的真实经历,他露宿街头,以弹吉他为生,无意间收养了一只猫,取名为Bob, 也是因为Bob对他的爱,使他的生活有了奇迹般的转机,从而拯救了James的生命。


If you are a reader who expects poetic writing, endless imagination or thrilling plots in a book, you might get a bit disappointed (After all James is not a professional writer). However, in this book the story itself is heartwarming, honest and naturally blended in, if you are learning a new language like me, it is perfect to use it to challenge yourself.
这本书的作家James本人并不是一个专业的作家,所以文字非常朴实,如果你期待的是栩栩如生的文字,可能会对它失望。 然而这本书讲述的故事非常窝心,真实而且自然地把读者带入作者的处境,如果你在学一本新的语言,这也是一本用来练习阅读能力的非常好的工具。

The biggest reason that I had a lot of thoughts after reading this book, decided to write a blog about it is because seeing that James almost gives up hope of his life reminds me of a certain uncomfortable period of myself.


Compared to James, my situation was much better, I was not living on the street or addicted to anything. But when you are down in your life and choose not to deal with it, one thing can lead to another, eventually I was suffering from work stress, sleepless, health…

Eventually my Bob saved me and slowly got me back to normal life, to this day I cannot imagine how lucky I was. If you are reading this and you are not at your best of life, and unfortunately minus a Bob, the below suggestions might help you to deal with it:
最终我的Bob拯救了我并把我拉回正常的生活节奏,直到如今我还是无法想象自己有多幸运。如果正读到这里的你处在你生活的并不美好的阶段,没有Bob, 下面这些建议可能会对你有一些帮助:

1. Live in a comfortable apartment 选择舒适的住处
One of my mistake was that in order to save money, I moved to a student house and had to share common area with other people. Being not able to ensure that the common area is always clean, forced to talk to others in the kitchen even when you are tired, plus the late night noise makes it impossible to feel at home.

2. Embrace your time alone 不要害怕孤独,伸开臂享受单独的时间
I spent most of my time working, meeting friends, or going to party, because I was afraid if I were alone, I might end up crying. This was a huge mistake, the more you are afraid, the more possible it becomes reality. Eventually I ended up crying every time when I am alone in my room. I could have done some reading, writing or cleaning to make my place more like home.


3. Don’t be too hard on yourself 不要对自己太狠
Being ambitious and pushing the limits to reach the goals was normally good, while ignoring the situation at that moment was a disaster.
I was working during the whole day, following training in the evening, having language classes in the weekend, and at the same period trying to pass a certificate. I was happy I eventually did most of the things, however, the result was that it made me exhausted, I was hot tempered, anxious and got irregular periods. In the end I had to take a break and see the doctor.

Try to analyse and set up priorities for your tasks, and relax yourself by doing some yoga, or simply go for a small trip.

4. Enjoy cooking for yourself 花时间为自己做饭
Who says you need a company in order to enjoy the food? Make yourself happy by giving your stomach a good treat! There are so many people online sharing their cooking experience, my favourite people are Gordon Ramsay, Jamie Oliver, Laura Vitale, and for Chinese food, a very good reference is 美食杰.

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5. Don’t be too stressed about money 不要因为钱的事让自己委屈
If you are not really facing a financial problem, don’t be too stressed about saving money at this time, try to recover from whatever you are dealing with at this moment, whether it is betrayal, divorce, losing loved ones, health or other things. On the other hand if financial problem is the only issue you are having now, then it is not really a problem.

Coming back to the book itself, I was really happy I found out that James and Bob are actually very active on internet! They even have a Youtube channel where it updates regularly about James and Bob.
The below video is a documentary about how James and Bob found each other in their life:

In November 2016, a film based on this book has been released, and the cat in the film was casted by Bob himself! The real James also had a cameo appearance in the movie at the end. If you are curious, check the below trailer:
2016年11月,这本书的同名电影也上映了,有趣的是,出演的猫竟然是Bob本人! 真实的James也在结尾时友情客串了一下:)

I hope you enjoy the story and the book, let me know in the comment about your thoughts!

Quotes from the book:
“Everybody needs a break, everybody deserves that second chance. Bob and I had taken ours.”
“It is me and Bob against the world, we are two musketeers”


To get the book on Amazon, you can find the link here.


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  1. Ah, you did know about the film!

    This is a great post. They are simple things, but the most important things for mental health. (Also, that food looks super yummy!)

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